Thursday, October 4, 2007

In Latest Poll, Good News for Both Clintons

Whom do you know in this upcoming election? The presidential election of 2008 is narrowing down and if you were to vote, who would you vote for? The name Clinton, is a very popular name in this coming election, but do you know why? I have nothing against Hillary Clinton, but I am not a huge fan of here campaign for presidency. In recent polls, it shows that Clinton has and advantage.

I think each of the candidates’ has had decent proposal in the issues we have in the U.S. and during election time I hope voters won’t just go with a name they heard of. Clinton advantage in the polls, I believe, is something that has nothing to do with the election and that she only winning because her husband was an ex-president, she is a female, and she has been in the public media eye for many non-related political issues.

I am not a huge fan of poll taking considering they are bias on so many different levels. It seems that popularity wins over issues. Hillary has not shown any real plans on fixing the issues in the US, but has left it open. Yet how is she winning? There seems to be more “noise” with her campaign, that we are missing what is important.

News and media sometimes cover what sells and this election shows that in the polls. If they took a poll and ask people whom are the candidates’ running for president, I bet most people can name three Clinton, Giuliani, and Obama.