Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Comment’s on a Colleague’s work.

This article that my colleague has presented us shows that in the near future social security will become a big problem. In recent news the first baby boomer will be getting their social security check in the mail. What might seem like a small problem now will have major affect on us in the future. For every one person back in the day who retired there were forty tax payers who funded his or her retirement. But with the up coming baby boomers it is going to be like three tax payers to every one retiree.

I agree with my colleague in saying “Where is our money going to be when we get old?” I am not looking forward to working hard and have nothing to show for it. My colleague brought up a great point saying that the government was obligated to come up with the money and I concur.

With the war going on today and the rises in gas price it looks like the US economy is going down. There is a great saying I once heard, “You can judge how far advanced a civilization is by how they treat their poor.” Well our poor aren’t looking so good. So the government really need to do something about this shortage of money issue.

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